Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Trip to Texas/New Mexico/Mexico!

Well we have finally gotten home. We are so glad to be back! It was a good trip and it was really nice spending so much time with my wonderful husband alone! But by the time it was over, I was just really, really, ready to see my kids :)

Most of our time was spent at the Dentist down in Juarez, Mexico. 10 hours the first day, 7 the second and then 3 more 2-4 hour trips down there. Juarez was actually a lot cleaner then I expected and the people we did talk to were very friendly and helpful. It is a huge city, much larger then El Paso and apparently speed limits and staying in your own lane is optional. If they can fit in between two cars, they will try, whether there is a lane there or not!. We didn't get to see much of they city, since it is so dangerous down there. The streets (other then right at the border) are pretty deserted. No one walks around unless necessary. So we saw the dentist office, the huge Mexican flag flying in the city and a little convenience store.

Just a little FYI: In Mexico if they tell you just a few minutes this can mean 2 minutes or 4 hours!

I got eleven crowns put on my top teeth and 7 teeth pulled all together. My gums are still very sore and full of stitches, but in about 3 months they will be healed completely and I can get a really good partial denture here in Casper. I am looking forward to that! Every time I look in the mirror though, it was all so worth it!

We spent most of our spare time in New Mexico. We aren't big city people one bit and the smell was horrendous! So any chance we got we headed for the country! One day was spent driving through little towns and seeing the New Mexican Scenery. We checked out some HUGE pecan orchards, a few wineries (though sadly not a lot of drinking, since I could barely open my mouth lol) and some neat shops full of Mexican trinkets.

Another day we went to Carlsbad Caverns. If you are ever in the area I highly recommend it. The pictures I took just don't do it justice. It was enormous!
Stephen in the Caverns!

My new teeth!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


The kids had a great time Trick or Treating and dressing up. Gabriel was a U.S. Marine, Sophie was the Cat in the Hat and Mary and Sara were Thing 1 and Thing 2. We went down town during the day, but ended up going that evening too. Mary and Sara were a huge hit! They had their picture taken multiple times by business owners and even by some people we trick or treated!

Only 1 more week and then Stephen and I leave for our trip to get some of my teeth fixed. I am super excited, but also getting a little nervous. More on that when we get back!