Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

We had a fabulous Easter. My grandparents came from MT and the whole weekend got spent visiting with them at the ranch. Gabriel thought his Papa Mou was the funniest guy ever! All of the kids enjoyed seeing them very much, as did I.

The kids had a great time with their Easter baskets and hunting for eggs. Sara was a little stressed about some random bunny sneaking into her house in the middle of the night though. She is such a chicken! The whole time we were hunting for eggs she just kept saying "that bunny is so silly."

Papa and Mama Mou with their Wyoming Great Grand Kids!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Random Happenings

Last week was a super busy one for us. We had the Awana's Grand Prix which is a wooden pine box car derby. This was the first time we have ever participated in one and it was interesting to say the least. Gabe is way to competitive to enjoy anything like that, and it took every ounce of will power he had not to melt down when his car was eliminated. Sophie's car made it for quite a few rounds, but she could of cared less....

Sophie watching her car

Sophie had her last basketball game to cheer for this last weekend. She was sad to see the season end! We all had a lot of fun watching her cheer and have so much fun, but I am very glad that is one less activity that I have to worry about for the time being! So now she is back in Tae Kwon Do full time with her brother and is working hard to catch up with him!

Gabriel, tested for his orange belt the same weekend and passed with flying colors. While he is not big on competitive sports, he absolutely eats up Karate. He loves everything about it, but especially sparing. He is a quick little bugger! Now he is just working hard to get to green belt so he can start breaking boards with kicks!

Look at that balance! Just toes on the ground! (Second one from the right)
Mary is trying her hardest to be patient until a spot opens up for her in Tiny Tigers at the Karate Studio. EVERY single day she asks the instructors if it is her turn yet and EVERY single day they tell her pretty soon! I am hoping that she doesn't have a complete meltdown when they give her a white belt, because she is quick to inform everyone that she already knows how to kick and punch so she should be "wellow belt." She has been on a real dress kick lately and keeps asking when she can where her pretty dresses and "frip frops." She is just all about the accessories!

Sara is just busy getting hauled around non stop when her dad isn't home to watch her. For the most part she is a trooper, but some days she has just had enough. Even though I don't want her to grow up anymore, I am somewhat looking forward to her being old enough to participate just so I don't have to listen to her tell me "I NOT a baby, I want to do it too!"
She is looking forward to her 3rd birthday and really really wants a "fishy." I am on the fence about this as I am pretty sure she would kill it within hours of having it. The kid can not stay out of anything! But maybe she would surprise me...

That's pretty much all that is new for now. I am praying that it quits snowing and the temperature rises above 40 for Easter or my girls are going to freeze! So more pics of Easter egg dyeing and more to come soon!